I am not encouraging my readers to drink in excess, today's blog is simply from some of my experiences that I share with you. This combo has not been proven medically or scientifically, simply my own findings.
Drink responsibly
I'm sure at some point in your life you've had a hangover, I'm I right?
A hangover is one of the worst feelings in the world, I wish there was a cure but unfortunately there is none but there is a way to prevent them. I will let you know the best supplements to take to ensure you do not get a full blown hangover. It still allows you to hit the town have a good time, yet you need to take these supplements so you can feel less of a hangover.
The magic pill
These are $5 per pill and you buy them individually. If you choose only one product pick this one. PARTYSMART by Himalaya.
I'm a guy who likes to have fun and I've used these on nights out, I wake up feeling amazing. I feel no hangover yet if I miss any sleep I still feel a little sleepy. Headaches and upset stomach are something I have not really experienced while using these capsules. This is one of my favorite supplements I've ever taken, for the simple reason it helps me so quickly.
It works by flushing the toxin from your liver that creates the sick feeling the next day. No sick feeling the next day = happy day.
Mood and energy
One of my issues when I have a few drinks is I suffer from a shaky uneasy feeling the next day. Depression sets in it's awful but it can be prevented. I use a B vitamin complex, I prefer a liquid because the absorption is so fast. You see when you have way to many drinks you pee a lot and you eliminate a ton of B vitamins (water soluble) in your urine from the alcohol. When your body runs low on a vitamin it feels lousy, so you can make sure this doesn't happen by giving it the best amount of vitamins you can.
I use Prairie Naturals B COMPLEX SOLUTION, I take a shot of it before my first drink and right before bed. It's great for a boost of energy in the morning, and I find less of a "depressed" feeling the next day.
What I never run out of
EMERGEN'C- Never run out of these tiny packets. They provide you with all your electrolytes, again when your body runs low on electrolytes it runs into trouble. I like to take a pack right before bed.
Taking these supplements will ensure you have a better morning after a fun night out. It's all about prevention with a hangover. If your feeling lousy the next day take your EMERGEN'C and B VITAMINS to start replenishing.
Please drink responsibly
Stay motivated
Shane C.
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