Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"I want to do more research!"- Learn to stop using this excuse

"I want to do more research!"- Learn to stop using this excuse

An extreme customer case

A few years ago a man with a heavy accent use to frequent a store I worked in.  Without fail he would always ask me and the rest of the staff about a protein powder. We would show and explain what the powder was and how to use it, and his response was always:

"I'll do my research!"

A week later he would walk back in the door asking about protein powder, and the same thing would happen after our explanation, he would nod his head and walk away saying:

"I'll do my research"

This went on for a couple of years.  Then one day he bought a protein powder, only to return it a week later.

Shane, what's our point?

This scenario is a little extreme but it brings me to today's topic.  I hear, the words "I'll do my research" from potential customers all the time.  They want to learn every single thing they can, and then some....... 
Then once they finally decide they are finally ready to buy a supplement, they get scared and look for more reasons not to buy it.
I've often wondered why people are so hesitant to buy a supplement.  Then I remembered a term used in personal development that deals with indecision and procrastination, it's called:


What is this paralysis by analysis you're talking about?

This has to do with most things we do in life, we want everything to be perfect and then.......
Once everything in out life seems perfect then we feel it's time to dive into whatever it is we have been putting off.  Unfortunately, most of the time we remain paralysed by fear. This comes from things we read or things we believe will happen to us by over analysing things in our lives.

Even buying supplements?

The same goes for buying supplements to improve our health.  We often read horror stories on the Internet, see things on television or hear a story from a friend that scares us from using an all natural supplement. 
With that said it leaves big scary thoughts of side effects in our minds about some of the most effective remedies for your health.  Which I find strange since people are so quick to eat bad foods, smoke and use prescription medication without thinking twice about the side effects!


This may sound a little strange to tell you to stop learning about supplements.  It should be re-phrased to say stop OVER learning about supplements.  The Internet and Google are scary places to get information on all natural supplements but there is a way to use it to get the right info.


I want to make buying a supplement easy for you.  Here are simple steps in choosing the right supplement:

1.  Figure out first what your health goal is.  (Why do you need a supplement?)
2.  Visit a health food store.
3.  Have a list with the following 3 questions:
-What is your suggestion for a supplement(s) to use for_______?
-What kind of feedback have customers given you from using this?
-What would be the reason why I wouldn't use this supplement(s)?
4.  Give yourself one evening of research on the supplements suggested.
5.  Make the decision to buy it!

If you are still a little unsure of the answer you received visit 2 or 3 health food stores to get different points of view. 
I want to let you know that major health food stores have great staff that know what they are talking about. 
If you doubt what you are being told, try not to get defensive and verbally attack the consultant working just listen and go home and make the decision.

I know it may seem scary to use a pill, powder or liquid you have no experience with, but shopping in a health food store you can rest assured you are dealing with professionals who know what they are talking about.  The products on the shelves are regulated (100% in Canada) and very safe.
The longer you tell yourself you need to do more research, the longer your health will suffer, just sayin.......

Stay health and stay motivated
Shane Chartrand

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