Thursday, November 10, 2011

Healthier hair, skin and nails

Hair, skin and nails are very difficult to keep healthy.  Hair gets styled, burned and loaded with chemicals all so it can look nice.  Nails get brittle and soft and people don't seem to know what to do about it. Skin gets covered in make up, pores get clogged ans acne is a terrible reminder that we have no control over our skin.

All those difficulties can end when you enter the supplement world. Add a few key supplements to your routine and the results are almost sure to happen.  Our industry treats from the inside out, and this gets you to the root of the problem.
Hair, skin and nail problems are often the result of missing a few nutrients in your diet. The supplements I will mention will cost you very little and you will get major results.
Here are some questions I get daily and also what I give my to my customers. I give them the following because  they have worked so well for so many customers who come back time and time again.

I need to grow my hair faster what should I take?

I always reach for a bottle of a certain B vitamin called BIOTIN, this magic vitamin helps you absorb your carbs and proteins much better.  When you absorb those nutrients it allows your hair to grow sometimes as quickly as 1 inch per month.  This happens by taking 1000mcg's and some other people take as much as 5000mcg's.  And to answer your question, it doesn't grow hair anywhere other than your head.  It's not a hormonal supplement, that my friends would cause you some serious Movember

Help!  I'm stressed and when I get stressed my hair falls out!!!!!

I see this all the time, and mostly in women.  When the body is under a lot of stress hair can start to fall out, this is where I reach for my little bottle of B vitamin complex.  If you suffer from anxiety, high pressure stress and need more energy take a high potency B complex morning and night.  Make sure all the B vitamins are at least measured to 50mg for optimal results.
Now with hair falling out a tiny bit of Iron can help too if your low in Iron. You can take IRONSMART for this, it was the first supplement I spoke of in this blog, simply go back a few days.  Now on the more serious side, it can often be hormonal, like in men.  Sorry guys, once your hair starts to fall off that head there is little you can do.  There are some supplements yet I've never heard amazing feedback from them.  Women, you have better chance to get those hormones under control.  But we will leave that for another blog.

My nails are brittle and my hair needs life, what should I take?

I have a magic mineral called silica, and the best one you can get at the moment in my opinion is called BIOSIL.  You see when you take any silica supplements like pills or gels, they work but you lose potency because the silica must be converted in your body to a form that can be absorbed.  BIOSIL, is that form of silica that absorbs.  Take 10-12 drops per day in juice and you will see results.  Many people say there nails are healthier after 5-10 days. While healthier, stronger hair needs to grow, this takes a minimum of one month.

I'm 30 years old and still getting pimples!!!!  What do I do?

By far the best stuff I have for that is called PERFECT SKIN by Genuine Health. Take 2 caps to keep things under control and 2 caps twice daily if your acne is a little worse.  The way this works, is it brings down the inflammation that is causing the breakouts, and this can only happen from inside your body.  I'm telling you this is fantastic, and when you keep acne under control you feel in control.

I hate ProActiv, it's expensive and doesn't work!

I have personal experience with the acne, I had severe acne growing up and tried everything.  This next combo, cleared up my back in shoulders in as little as 7 days and barely costs anything.
Carbolic soap from SOAP WORKS, many health food stores deal with this brand. Wash twice daily with this soap, it does not dry out your skin.
Tea Tree oil, dab this on the blemishes twice daily.

Use that combo, everyday twice daily, do not allow the smell to get to you they both smell very strong yet you will not.  It works, trust me!

So putting chemicals on your hair and skin only masks the problem, the real solution to healthier hair, skin and nails is nutrient absorption.  So start taking the supplements above, and you are 100% able to take all those together.  If you have any hormonal issues or feel you do, get checked out because the supplements above may not be the solution to your problem.

Stay motivated
Shane C.

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