Tuesday, November 15, 2011

World of protein

It's time to cover an intimidating subject for most people who are non-athletes when they walk through the door of a supplement shop. The BIG bulky looking bottles that take up a whole wall in most health food stores.


Let me first explain how easy it is to buy protein.  I need you to think of protein powder like buying chicken breasts at the supermarket. You have several brands of chicken breasts, some chicken is seasoned, some are larger portions and there are different grades.  You may buy 5 breast for $25 or 12 breasts for $10, it's all the exact same thing "chicken breast"!! Chicken is not only designed to be for athletes or weight lifters, they are designed to be a tasty meal.  Same with protein, it's simply to provide the body with an easy meal, and it just so happens many company "market" them to athletes. All proteins can be used by children, teens, athletes, women and seniors.

Let me break down different protein powders without getting scientific. (Sorry to my sales reps reading this)  science doesn't sell protein, taste does!

Whey isolate
This is the best type of protein in my opinion.  The containers range about $40-$60 for 2lbs. Whey comes from making cheese, when cheese is made the top layer is a great source of protein called whey (like in the nursery rhyme, eating her curds and whey...same stuff).  This protein is great, the lactose and cholesterol are removed and they mix up very easily.  You can use a spoon or a shaker cup to mix them and you won't have chunks that you will be forced to chew.  Another benefit is the easy absorption, so it's great after a workout to replenish your muscles or if your in a rush looking for a fast breakfast.  Mix it with fruit and it will not sit heavily in the stomach.

Whey concentrate/isolate blends
These proteins cost a little less ranging from $25- $35 for 2lbs and  mix up a little thicker that a pure isolate. The cheaper you go the more digestion issues you  can run into.  The more whey concentrate added to the mix (unprocessed whey) the more gas and bloating you can suffer.  Also if you are lactose intolerant you may want to stay away from a blended whey.  Companies are able to cheapen the protein by putting isolate and concentrate together.  These blends do have cholesterol and lactose and a lowered amount of protein per scoop. These proteins are great for anyone looking to save a bit of money but make sure you own a blender or you will have chunks.

Vegetarian proteins such as
Rice, Pea, Hemp and Soy
These protein are great for anyone not wanting an animal sourced protein.  They generally come in smaller containers but can be more expensive in the long run.  Many naturalpaths and dietitians recommend these for diets that require a lowered amount of allergens.  Some like Hemp contain a lot of fiber, so you always need a blender for the vegetarian proteins.  The protein is about half of what it would be if you were using Whey.
You would benefit from these if you were a vegetarian or fighting of inflammation in the body. 

Weight Gainers
These are simply protein and carbs together, so keep an open mind when it comes to weight gainers.  The bottles list very high calories, but if you look closely you will notice it is usually calling for 3-4 scoops to get those extreme high calories.
Who are they good for? 
Obviously anyone who wants to add weight to there body, they would simply use 3-4 scoops once or twice a day.
Anyone can use a good weight gainer, you can use them as a great meal replacement. Use one or two scoops and they keep you filled up for a few hours.  They DO NOT ADD WEIGHT to your body unless you are using max doses and following a very high calorie diet, so please don't be afraid of these.  The word WEIGHT GAINER, is simply a marketing tool.  They do not contain steroids or bad chemicals that alter your body composition.

Protein SCAMS!

Amino acid listing
Many companies try and make there proteins look better by adding amino acid breakdowns on the side of the bottles.  This means nothing, a protein powder is an amino acid powder so they all contain amino acids, some companies just choose to list them.  And honestly there is no reason to pay attention to them.

Added creatine and glutamine
These ingredients are essential to help the body repair the muscles after a workout, but don't believe the companies that list on the front of the bottle as an added ingredient.  They are already in your protein, some companies may have added a tiny amount but nothing worth raving about.  So yes, I am a fan of creatine and glutamine and any other amino acids just not a fan of companies saying they add them in.

Beef protein, liquid egg white proteins and any other weird sounding sourced protein.
Really??  Why??  Other than bringing attention to companies who sell them, they are not worth it.

So how do you choose?
Simply pick up a good whey protein isolate,  the size should never scare you.  The reason they are so big is when the powders are put in the bottles the air between the powder fills the bottle once it settles the container is about half full.  So this is the reason for the large bottles.
Also you buy protein based on taste, it doesn't matter what is added to it.  If you can't swallow it, you can't use it.  I recently tried an $70 isolate that was so gross I could barely drink it, ask your health food store if you can return the product if you don't like the taste, most stores will kindly take the return.

As you can see protein is not scary, it's a fast meal you can have anytime.  Add fruit, milk, juice, water, ice coffee or yogurt the recipes are endless on the Internet.  Head out right now and buy on, like chicken breast protein won't change your life it simply feeds you!  :-)

Stay motivated
Shane C

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