Sports Supplements Made Easy
The world of sports supplements is so misunderstood by the general public it's mind blowing. This entry of the blog is to explain what some supplements are and what they do. The great thing with sports supplements other than Testosterone boosters is they can be used by any ages, other than little kids. It all comes down to how much of a particular ingredient you take, follow the labels and your fine.Everything in this blog is very safe, they contain no hormones or steroids. The world of sports supplements in Canada is very regulated, any side effects or potential side effects is reviewed sometimes with to much caution by our government. Any moms or coaches reading this can breath a sigh of relief that the people in your life really have nothing to worry about with the following supplements if taken in proper doses.
Protein Powders
A protein powder is a fast absorbed meal after a workout. This helps replenish the muscles that have broken down during a workout. Very safe, and can be used by anyone even as just a quick snack during the day. Take one to two scoops for great results.Creatine
Let me begin by saying creatine is safe!Creatine is simply an amino acid (found in protein), when taken in a concentrated form help to increase muscle size and give a little extra strength by increasing water in the muscles. Creatine is one of the top selling supplements in the sports industry, even seniors can take it to protect there muscles from deteriorating.
I still have not heard of any actual cases of kidney issues from taking it, which is the biggest scare everybody seems to talk about. You do not loss extreme amount of weight once you get off creatine, it simply increases muscle fullness and strength. That's it! There are to many myths about creatine, let's leave it at that.
Take one teaspoon after training, new studies show loading is no longer needed. Loading is where you take extreme doses for 5 days, this is an old way to take creatine that is not needed anymore for results.
Ever notice how sore you are 2 days after lifting weights? If so glutamine is for you, again an amino acid, this one helps repair the muscles after intense training. Take one teaspoon after training and again before bed. Some people take a few more teaspoons, if you choose to, limit it to one teaspoon at a time.Amino acid tablets
Simplest way to explain this, they are protein in a pill, 1 gram of protein per pill. These are really good for anyone dieting down to help keep your muscle. Use them on an empty stomach between meals, take 1-3 tabs at a time.Pre-workout drinks
This is something that if you are not a caffeine user you may want to stay away from. These tasty powders use caffeine, amino acids in certain doses and other ingredients to increase muscles pumps, energy and focus during training, these work great. Use them 45 minutes before a workout and notice yourself get through your workouts with less effort.Look at the dosage on the side of the bottle, the less scoops you must take the stronger in is. So always start with half doses to asses tolerance, the same as the first time you went to Starbucks, you didn't start with a Venti Pike Place because that would have drove you a little crazy. That is how pre workouts are (most) If it calls for 3 scoops, start with 1- 1 1/2 scoops first. If it calls for 1 scoop only take a half.
Testosterone boosters
These do not contain hormones, all they do is stimulate a mans testosterone levels that have dropped. That's it! They increase strength, energy, sex drive and muscle size. If your testosterone is not low, there is no need to take them. This is why guys who are 16-24 don't need them, their testosterone is high, it's not going to go much higher from a testosterone booster.
It's like filling the gas tank in your car when the tank is full. If you keep adding gas to a full tank, the rest is wasted, same idea as using a test booster when your test is high.
I've seen testosterone boosters bottes look like prescrition bottles that intimidate consumers into thinking they contain steroids. This is simply to sell more bottles to an athletic crowd, it's simply marketing.
The supplements above are the most common types you would need to use. Do I believe some companies are better than others.....yes I do. Yet I don't believe the companies that advertise the most are the best.
A great brand I am a true fan of is ALLMAX, they have amazing sports supplements at great prices and they are not about trying to improve what is not broken. I don't work for them and do not receive money from them, I just really like their products. I've used them and had many customers get fantastic results using there top of the line products.
So as you can see sport supplements are simple and safe. They must be used with exercises and proper eating to be at there best. Feel relief if you find a bottle of creatine in your teenagers room, it isn't going to hurt him.
Stay motivated and stay healthy
Shane Chartrand
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