Warning- If taking any prescription medications or suffer from any medical conditions check with a doctor before take any supplements.
Today I am covering a topic that everybody seems to have questions about, sleep.
It seems people either fall asleep and wake up 2 hours later or they simply can't fall asleep. When this happens your whole day is affected physically, emotionally and mentally (sometimes you feel as if your going crazy).
Sure, you can pop a Gravol or a sleeping pill but you end up either addicted to them or you wake up groggy with stomach issues. Today I'll give you a list of what I take, not because I have issues sleeping but because I love good quality sleep. Are there some nights I wake up or some nights I can't get to sleep? Yes, but realize these supplements don't cover day to day stress, worries, blood sugar or the effects of a few drinks. There are a thousands of reasons why you may not be sleeping I'm just going to give you the natural supplements I use that get me some of the deepest sleep I've ever had.
Melatonin is naturally produced when the sun goes down, it's the hormone that tells you "hey, time for bed" it's part of your daily cycle but sometimes as we age, do shift work or drink to much caffeine we may need a little extra help. I like to use a sublingual kind, this is a small tab you put under your tongue that dissolves and puts me out in 20 minutes, I love melatonin. I use 3-5 mg at night.
This fun stuff simply calms you down, kind of like having a drink after a long day at work. It takes the edge off and does not impair your judgement. It can be used during the day or right before bed to calm you down from extra caffeine (I drink a million cups a day) or from thinking about your work load tomorrow. I use MENTAL CALMNESS by Natural Factors, its a chewable version that absorbs much quicker. I take 1-3 tabs at bedtime for the best sleep ever.
RESCUE REMEDY SLEEThe original version of Rescue Remedy is designed for the whole family to take. It's amazing for anxiety, panic attacks or simply to take the edge off. It's homeopathic, so it is extremely safe for kids and pets. I spray two squirts in my mouth and 20 minutes later I am very calm and ready to sleep. Rescue Remedy Sleep has gotten me through some tuff nights while working on the road for months at a time.
This is the magic stuff, I took this many years ago and forgot how good it was for sleep. It's a mix of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. This combo is what many athletes lack that prevents them for recovery from there workouts. Some how it gets you in the deepest sleep you've ever had, men take 3 caps women take 2 caps.
There are many other herbs and vitamins you can take for sleep, stress or whatever you need but those are my favorites. I have stress, drink to much coffee and have ADD (what a combo) and this combo knocks me out without waking up tired. If I miss taking them there are no issues since theses are non addictive, meaning your body and mind do not rely on these supplements if they are not taken.
If you want to sleep well tonight you can pick them all up or simply try one of them. Not all 4 supplements are needed I simply keep adding to my mix, because I'm crazy like that...lol
Have a great night's sleep.
Stay motivated
Shane C.
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