How To Lose Belly Fat
One problem area most people have including thin people have is how to lose that stubborn belly fat. Belly fat is one of the most difficult areas to lose, yet it doesn't not need to be anymore.Starving yourself is not the answer neither are fad diets but instead it's using 2 supplements that will truly accelerate the way you burn belly fat.
SHANE!!! What 2 products will make me lose belly fat?
I've sold this combination to many customers and as long as it is used 7 days per week in the way I will describe results are sure to follow.Our first supplement is CLA (safflower oil) this magic softgel tends to melt that belly fat fast if you use 4 grams per day. Use 2 softgels with breakfast and 2 softgels with supper.
Used for 30 days along with cardio and a healthy weight reducing diet many customers have reported back to me that they went down a pant size. This is incredible but it will only work if used as mentioned.
"I lost a pant size in one month!"- Customer
Second and final ingredient used in our rapid belly fat burning is an amino acid called L-CARNITINE. L- Carnitine works by using fat as a source of energy. Think of it this way, when you do cardio your body burns carbs for energy before it goes after fat stores. When you use carnitine your body is able to burn off fat much faster.How safe is it?
L- Carnitine is actually used for heart health, because it burns fat it can be used to help lower blood pressure and keep the heart healthy. I like to instruct people to use 2000 mg per day. This equals to one tablespoon of liquid upon waking and another in the afternoon. You may adjust these times so you can take it directly before a cardio session for a quick boost of energy.There you have it, CLA twice daily and carnitine twice daily used for one month can help you dramatically lose belly fat. A gentle word of advice, using more than the doses recommended will not accelerate the rate at which you lose belly fat so please stick with the amounts I told you.
Any questions, leave me comments and I will be sure to get back to you.
Stay healthy and stay motivated
Shane Chartrand
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