Thursday, December 22, 2011


Have you ever wondered what an antioxidant is?

Think of your body as a night club you own downtown.  Now think of an antioxidant as bouncers the guards the night club.  And last I want you to think of free radicals as rowdy drunks trying to get in the bar.  All these free radiclas want to do is start fights and destroy the bar you've worked so hard to build and take care of. 
On a daily basis this happens to your body, it's always under attack by those pesky free radicals and sometimes you run out of the proper amount of antioxidants to keep free radicals from doing harm to your body.

Factors like pollution, stress and horrible processed foods all affect your body by loading it up with free radicals. Free radicals attack the cells of your body and this leads to pre-mature aging and disease.  With our lifestyles we are all affected by these free radicals (sorry to break the news to you).  No matter how healthy you think your living you are affected in some way or another.
This is where taking antioxidants comes in.  They protect your cells, brain and even your skin from those ugly wrinkles that you try and hide from the world. You can get all kinds of supplements that contain great free radical fighting ingredients.  The issue is there are so many antioxidants to choose from which do you buy?
For the last couple of years I looked at many formulas yet I could never choose, then I found one that I loved.  I simply take a scoop and throw it in juice, water or protein shakes (I prefer grape juice) and it gets me more than enough cell protecting nutrients.  This blend came out last year and it's called MULTIFORCE ORAC by Prairie Naturals.  What I like about it is it's not only an antioxidant blend with mangosteen, goji, blueberries and many other super foods it's also a multivitamin, and a great multi at that.  It's loaded with energy boosting B vitamins and a good amount of highly absorbed Calcium for bone health.  It tastes and mixes great, no artificial sweeteners added so you know your not getting aspartame or any other junk that harms your body first thing in the morning.

All I gotta say is I really enjoy this product it gets my through a stressful day and I know I'm protecting myself from harmful pollution and stress.  If you don't start taking your antioxidants ASAP, you are leaving your body exposed to disease causing free radicals you don't even realize your exposing yourself to on a daily basis.

So like any good night club you see downtown you need your bouncers (antioxidants) to protect your body and keep you strong and healthy to achieve all your dreams! 
If you cannot find this antioxidant blend in your local supplement stores, heres a link to order it online.

Stay motivated
Shane C.

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